Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year! I'm Gonna Change My Focus on YouTube for Now

Happy New Year! Sorry that I'm really late, but I'm going to talk about my first day of the new year. First of all, despite my new year's resolution, I started to realize that I may have to write less than what I originally planed because as of now I'm currently a slow writer.

Also I might change my focus on my YouTube channel for now; I'm currently writing a script for a new video that I'm going to post this Monday. It's about me attacking Hollywood. Yeah, I may going to attack Hollywood because I'm sick and tired of the portrayed of boys and young men - who are either good-looking or nerdy-looking - as dumb, stupid, and useless in television and movies.

As I look at my YouTube channel, I may have realize my faults on my channel: unpopular and incorrect tags and the webcam quality of my videos. But I also realize that maybe I was actually...boring. I was a calm, straightforward gentleman; I guess this is why my videos have zero views. And with that, I believe my life - which I'm actually an unaverage guy - would not be interesting for people to watch.

But I'm still gonna focus on writing my life on my website as well as other things. I'm going to be writing long texts from now on. I'm may be writing about the last Sunday trip in the rain at night and why I'm worried about this somewhat unusual weather coming this weekend.

Anyway, thanks for reading. Happy New Year!

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