Wednesday, December 3, 2014

I'll continue writing the Material today

Today I'll be contining writing the Material from last Sunday. The Material, which is currently untitled, may be an action-mystery novel about a fourteen-year-old teenage boy who's on a quest to find the person who sended him a strange email.

The Material will have unconventional elements; I can't tell you what it is because I haven't write it that much and I'm not sure if this means no romance at all because romance is a conventional element in not only young-adult novels but also teen films and TV shows as well.

I'll be continue to write the untitled Material much of this month through late-January because I'm gonna be on Winter break from college. So as a result, I'll try to write as much as possible instead of procrastinating as usual.

I'll also continuing researching Men and Feminism as well as other things related to the topic.

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